Live the moment for the moment.

The best method of learning is through experience. We can’t learn everything since we have a limited life span. Witty people don’t spend their lives looking out to experience everything, they get to know stuff through other people’s experience. Who can be more experienced in his field than a retired person these people have a lifelong experience so we should spend our time more often with them. I came across this humble old man once, after listening to all my plans and goals and perceiving my enthusiasm he told me that destiny will take me to the capstone that I deserve but the most important thing is to make sure that I live every moment of my life. Happiness is a relative term it varies from person to person. I won’t go deep into the topic of happiness since I have reserved it for later.

Sometimes we come across difficult times or sometime we feel over the moon. It’s not always the same. We should always be grateful to the unimaginable bounties we are bestowed upon with. Let’s say whenever we feel low we start making a word from all the alphabets. If I get to do it I’ll start from being grateful to being Alive, Beloved by the people around, for all Celebrations and events I have had, Days of laughter with my friends and family, Eyes which help me see the beautiful world around me, Family which supports me through the thick and thin, Good personality that I get compliments for, Health that I have been blessed with, Illnesses which made me realise the importance of health, moments of Joy that I have, being Kissed a hundred times daily when I was a toddler, Loved ones I have around me me, my Mother, Naughtiness I had as a teenager, my Old friends, Peace of mind that I have, all those Quarrels I had with my friends and siblings, Restful sleep I have when I go to bed at night, Spirituality, Tears of happiness I see in my father’s eyes on my success, Uncountable love of my parents, Variety of foods I have had, beautiful Weather I witness everyday, Years of life I’ve lived with Zeal and Zest.

I’m sure everyone can make his/her own list and be thankful about everything.

Jaw dropping facts behind neuro-cardiology, what functions your heart performs besides pumping blood.

All those years of medical school I have always thought of all those phrases relating love to our hearts. Well to be honest, I used to think that these are mere mythical quotes and these functions are performed by amygdala and there is no correlation between heart and all these emotions.

A few days ago I went across this topic of neuro cardiology which was quite engrossing. I did a little work on it and wanted to share this knowledge

It is about the relation of brain and heart and how the heart is one step ahead from the brain in these processes of thinking, memories and feelings. There had been studies supporting this idea.

Starting from memory, there is this surgical procedure called ‘the heart transplant’ which involves moving a functional heart for a dead or a dying donor to a recepient with non/low functional heart to improve latter’s survival. Studies have shown that the recepient’s life changed drastically starting from hobbies, interests, creativity to the memories, memories of any sport the donor used to play even the memory of donor’s murderer were also perceived by the recepient.

Moving onto feelings and understanding, the heart is a generator of electromagnetic waves which constantly surrounds our bodies like a magnetic field and this magnetic energy is 4000 times more powerful than the magnetic energy of our brain. It is through this field, we develop some bond with the people of similar natute and interests around us, even without talking to them.

Heart also has quicker response to external stimuli than our brain does. All these attributes develop over time in the neurons our hearts possess, over the course of time through a feedback mechanism. After a certain age the neurons are adapted to one’s lifestyle, fears,emotions and memories (muscle memory and mental memory) which are felt by the recepient afterwards as if two persons are lying in one body. Quite amazing it is!

Heart’s integrated nervous system allows it to learn, remember and make functional decisions independent of brain’s cerebral cortex. Infact recent studies suggest that heart continuously sends signals to our brain to influence its function on emotions, cognition and perception these connections are via neurons, hormones, electromagnetic field and pressure waves.

Heart can even mingle with other person’s brain through an exchange of electromagnetic signals this is known as ‘energy exchange concept’.

If we gather this knowledge and apply it to our lives, we will be able to correlate it to our life events and it will certainly make sense as well.